I'm currently in the biblical section and just finished the Jesus paragraph. You may still cover this, but before I forget to say anything, the first thing to come to mind when you described the orphan stone was the OT prophecy applied to Jesus: the stone that was rejected has become the chief corner stone.

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You are absolutely correct to make that connection, the orphan/cornerstone parallel is an important one that Jung explored in great depth. I left it out because the cornerstone symbolism is quite contentious in itself and is connected to the division between Hermetic (gnostic/pagan) and Platonic (Christian) alchemy. I do address it in depth in a later essay, 'Lilith, The Transmutable Woman'. So that was an astute observation! Thank you so much for reading I can't wait to tell my wife someone actually read it. I'm going to be dining out on this for the rest of the day

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